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more of those sweet puffies!

Feast your eyes once again on newcomer Linet. This very pretty twenty-year old peels out of her purple bra and black panties, and we get great views of her huge puffy nipples, which look so tempting to the tongue! Puffies are rare and must be treasured when they’re found!! Linet lays back on the couch and plays with her pussy and licks her nipples, also displaying a shapely pair of pins on black peep toe pumps. She nibbles her own panties, then sticks two saliva-drenched fingers into her slot. We get closeups of her thrusting fingers into her lipsticked mouth, and it’s not much of a leap to imagine a cock going in there, too! Linet shows us her butt even as she continues to penetrate herself with her digits. This fresh hottie has a lot of potential, not only with her puffies but with her movie star face!

  • 00:20:53
  • May 18, 2011
  • 269


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