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feisty for his cream!

Angel Rivas is one of the feistiest looking gals around, and at the beginning of this scene with Steve Q, as he kneels to take down her clothes, you can sense her inner dominant force. But it turns out Angel is in the submissive mode today, as Steve gives her a little spanking, ties her down to a table just in her sheer black thigh-high nylons, and gives her a face-stuffing with his cock. Her aggressive spirit and playfully rebellious aura are on full display through her eyes as she lays across the table helplessly and blows his meat deepthroat and slurps his balls, until he takes her off the table to kneel before him so he can power his load into her mouth, his big sac an engine providing the seed that will cream her tongue, chin, and chest in these sexy blowjob pics!

  • 00:21:57
  • Jul 01, 2011
  • 219


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