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feel like you’re on top of her!

Shot from three angles simultaneously, you’ll see Zafira’s face and pussy in gigantic closeup all at the same time as she heavily breathes through her richly glossed lips and constantly rubs her smooth snatch. She looks at us with gorgeous green eyes through her sultry mascara as her pink-polished fingers whirl with ever-increasing speed over her flowery slit. Zafira looks so damn sexy, as if she’s just gotten back from a weekend at the beach, with her arms beautifully bronzed but her tits slightly lighter from her bathing suit. But she clearly didn’t get fucked enough at the beach because she plays with herself intensely until the juice starts leaking from her hole. Finally she explodes in an orgasm so intimate you will feel you are right there on top of her! If only, if only!!!

  • 00:11:07
  • Jul 25, 2011
  • 168


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