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black lace glamour porn

The very tall Russian blonde Gabriela invites us into her world, wearing her black lace bra and panties, black pearls, and black strappy heels. She’s 5’10” and a whole lotta woman, as you’ll see in her erotic video and nude pics. Peeling off her duds, tugging on her nips with her long French manicured fingers, she reveals a flowery pussy bright and pink and an ass designed for doggie style. Once naked except for her pearls and high heels, she goes to town on her box with the sex toy. Watching us closely with her dramatic blue eyes as she masturbates, Gabriela clearly wants us to be stroking and cumming too--an easy-to-fulfill mission when we’re presented with a blonde so stimulating to our shafts!

  • 00:26:38
  • Jul 28, 2011
  • 188


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