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seduction in whitelace pantyhose!

Hairy Twatter really hit the jackpot when he put his spell on Hungarian vixen Krisztina T. She had my boner hittin the bell at hello! This beauty starts undressing so seductively it will blow your mind! When she starts moaning, your probably gonna lose your load, I know i almost did! Then one of the Hairy Twatter guys, Bruno, comes in and just starts fingering her bearded beaver like crazy , and stuffing her mouth with cock! It s amazing though.....she still moans so much, even with a mouthful of jerky! And all the while he s calling her honey bunny and there s nice house music playing in the background! Before long Krisztina needs that bush stuffed, and she gets her wish from the magic wand in spoon position! Wow, sure looks nice being stuffed. Not enough in the Hairy Twatter academy though, so she gets a sticking in her anus, and just loves it!! My goodness, she really needs a gag in her mouth with all the moaning, i m pretty sure my dick is the perfect fit for it! Krisztina definitely gets that hairy puss of her s drilled and then treated to a nice hot load of cum on her little brown tuft, so don t miss out on the action!

  • 00:20:39
  • Aug 29, 2011
  • 267


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