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nuzzling her twinklers with joy!

The long legged Marsha Lord of Hungary comes into the DDF studios for a delicious toe nuzzling leg casting! After peeling off her jeans, and her groovy black and red knee high socks (I ll bet that cotton material would feel wonderful rubbed up against my balls!) she quickly folds her legs up like an acrobat, peels her striped warmers off and starts sucking on her little piggies! She really digs into that toe jam! Panties come off and we get some more tight shots of her toes, even some ballet poses with her knuckles bent back. The camera even zooms in for an HD shot of her tight asshole, gaped wide open for ya! Finally we get a nice full nudity rear view with the feet folded up under her derriere, and then a spin around on the couch for a quick heel to clit rubbing and final toe twinkling goodbye!

  • 00:08:39
  • Aug 30, 2011
  • 180


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