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tangi and her jungle of love!

Here at Hairy twatters headquarters we like to recruit fine specimens of the female gender with rockin bodies and furry little friends aka hairy twats! Today we get a sizzlin special by the name of Tangi, and she s about to have her nether regions explored by expeditionary explorer Steve Q!Tall and slender, with a tight body and perky breast-ages make Tangi a remarkable cutey that sinks ships and hardens pricks in an instant. Very beautiful face and her pie looks mighty air tight once you get past the bushes! She gets a good tongue slathering of her furry bird and then a sticking in multiple positions! My favorite is when she s in reverse cowgirl....Mmmm, those legs while she s bouncing up and down feverishly on the cock that I m imagining as mine right now! Just awesome! Protein shot in the mouth to wrap things up here at the headquarters and Tangi goes home whistling Dick-sey!

  • 00:22:59
  • Sep 16, 2011
  • 135


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