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horny redhead milf lacey lenon takes revenge on ex by fucking the pool cleaner gp2066

After receiving the devastating news that her boyfriend has left her for another woman, Lacey Lenon, a sexy redhead housewife, wants to find a cock to console her. When she looks out of her living room window, she sees her pool cleaner, Ryan Driller, working in her backyard with his shirt off. Lacey starts fingering herself on the couch as she watches him capture the leaves from the pools surface. Once shes worked up the courage to make her dreams a reality, she gets dressed, opens the door, and starts making small talk with him. Within seconds, Lacey is on her knees with Ryans cock down her throat. From there, they eventually move to her bedroom where they have hot sex on the bed that her husband used to fuck her on.

  • 01:08:18
  • Oct 15, 2021
  • 748


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