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superb in doggie style

Angelica Heart graces our site with her scrumptious body frosted in colorful bustier, lacy lingerie skirt, garters, and sheer black stockings. She’s got some fetishy strappy black shoes too. Miss Heart flashes her titties and pussy before squatting on the floor and sticking her butt at us. She rubs her box for awhile before standing up to peel down her thong and show us that world-class derriere some more. She spreads her cheeks so we can see into the dark, alluring crack, then sits on the floor and poses her shapely legs before taking off her shoes and stockings to give us some barefoot action. You’ll love the superb doggie style poses as Angelica runs her manicured fingertips over her plump pouting peach of a pussy!

  • 00:09:00
  • Oct 05, 2011
  • 263


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