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be prepared to worship!

The mysterious Latex Lucy returns in a shocking black outfit that makes her look like a super-villain from a 1950s fetish comic. Lounging in an elegant chair, she lets us see the contours of her body as they show through clearly in the tight clothes. Her feet are clad in strappy black sandals with incredibly high heels and platforms. Standing up, she invites our worship as she shows off her curvaceous form, especially her powerful butt which reflects light in its latex tautness. Displaying her stems, she then tugs up the hem of her dress and we can see her naked pussy, which she spreads with black-gloved fingers.Taking off one of her shoes, Lucy then licks her heel as if it is a strange, alien cock. She rubs her snatch with the heel while her red-polished toes hover in the foreground as if aimed at our mouths. She sucks the heel thoroughly, then takes off her other shoe so she can spread her pussy lips with both heels. Then, in the most startling shots of the set, she sticks her bare soles at our faces in the foreground while in the background her black-sheathed hands grasp her thighs. All this is prelude to a thorough teasing of our dicks with her bare feet. Be prepared to worship Latex Lucy tonight!

  • 00:31:30
  • Nov 22, 2011
  • 429


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