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a tale of bondage and wax [part 2]

Things are heatin up again for Ruth and Tina in the dungeon cavern that we last left them at. Tina is just completely set on punishing Ruth by means of sexual tactics. A big black double headed dildo comes out for the 2nd session and Ruth is wincing at the sight of it! Tina lubes it up good with her mouth and Ruth s twat. Then she decides to squat and take a piss. She had to go, what s a girl to do when she s got to go?Tina messes around with Ruth a bit more, teasing her and keeping her guessing as to what she may do next. Surprisingly, she decides to leave? Uh-oh, something tells me she s coming back with the big guns!

  • 00:06:45
  • Nov 23, 2011
  • 235


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