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erotic video giantess

Check out Angelica from the Czech Republic, a hot babe with a difference: she’s 6’1” in her bare feet! As you look at her erotic video and nude pics, you’ll compute that in high heels this luscious blonde amazon truly towers! Whether she stands in her shiny red and black chemise and dwarfs the couch, or lays almost bare across it, you’ll see how this nude European model is a giantess who can really envelope us as she showcases her 36B boobs, plush posterior, and tasty pink. Who wouldn’t want to be a little manhandled by this doll? Let your fantasies fly as she tempts your testes with her long legs and spreads that pretty pie onebyday style.

  • 00:14:24
  • Dec 28, 2011
  • 197


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