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an aphrodisiac for all occasions!

Cindy and Sylvia have been good friends for quite some time and as the year was closing to an end, they decided to to enjoy a night out together before the hustle and bustle of all the New Years parties began. Being Hungarians, they really have a majestic beauty about them that sends uncontrollable urges even to strangers amongst them, but when they are together, it s very hard to control these urges they have for one another, and here they let a little liquid aphrodisiac send them straight into the horny zone!Caressing and kissing each other before the downing of the liquid really get s them revved up and Sylvia goes for a nice tasting of Cindy s mouth watering clit. Then they toast and make things more interesting with a trickling of the concoction onto Cindy s fine nipples. A flurry of finger banging, salad tossing, sixty-nine, and face planting ensue before a large double ended dildo comes out to to connect the babes. An absolute gorgeous piece of work as Deny s camera crew get s pristine shots of the stunning beauties being skewered on their double ended kabob! I think it s safe to say that these honey s have really created a bond that will last a lifetime!

  • 00:28:22
  • Dec 29, 2011
  • 287


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