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obey the kitty! [part 1]

In this amazing world we live in, most anything you can imagine can come true. For our guy Kid Jamaica, he s always dreamed of having his very own life-sized pussycat that would be completely obedient to his every need. Including, but not limited to sucking down his meat-bone on command. Today his dream comes true as he encounters the lovely Latex Lucy sleeping in a cage, and starving for a big fat sausage!We first come upon the exquisite beauty as she paces around in her cage, clad in a latex outfit that s hotter then a Super Nova colliding with the Sun. Shiny red mini dress with a very detailed leopard style pattern on the mask and underside, low cut front to display her juicy rack, and no panties. Just Puurrrrrrfect! Her gorgeous eyes peer back at us while she licks her luscious lips as a cat would when it s hungry for some milk. Kid Jamaica appears on the scene and is quite intrigued by the exotic specimen in the cage. Lucy backs that sweet round ass up towards the Kid and he can see her shaved peach which gets his pecker rock hard instantly. It s not long before he pokes his prick straight into the cage and the cat women devours it willingly, with mucho gusto. Kid plays a game with her and decides to poke his dick into the cage in every angle to see if the cunning Lucy can still suck it down. Kid Jamaica then decides he needs to sink it in the pink, so he opens up the cage but gets lashed out at by Lucy and acquires a long scratch on his face and suddenly finds himself locked in the cage. Latex Lucy crawls above and peers down at her new man slave in a sexy pose. Hmmmm, what could she be up to? Come back soon for part 2 and find out!

  • 00:11:15
  • Feb 17, 2012
  • 292


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