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sandy and stacked!

Get ready for more messiness of a different kind when the ever-popular Laura M. returns, this time in a military mode. Laura is dressed in khaki soldier-style gear, and underneath her jacket she wears a stretchy camouflage-colored top. We see her deep cleavage line, and then she unleashes her colossal melons so they hang over. She holds up one knocker and sucks the nipple, then leans over and swings her boobs toward us. Intertwining her hands between them, she squeezes her tittie flesh outwards and gives us some meaty sideboob views, as well as ass shots.Laura squats down on the sandy ground, and we can observe the stretchiness of her sacks as she leans on her side. She rubs her pussy and squeezes her cans together between her upper arms. Then she gets out some kind of military apparatus and fucks herself with it, before getting on her knees and pouring sand all over her jugs. When they’re covered in the stuff, she then washes the sand off with water from her canteen, before leaning back down on the ground and pressing her tits into the sand and making them a muddy mess indeed. A final rinse gets them bright and glistening again as she stands up with a smile!

  • 00:32:00
  • Apr 12, 2012
  • 368


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