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bearded clam gets shucked!

Czech cutester Ansie Rocher is giving herself a nice bath when she suddenly decides it s a nice day for shucking clams! Well, she doesn t need to go far. After making her sexy body squeaky clean, she finds the perfect shucker in the form of a small plastic dildo. Yeeeehaaa!Like a professional clammer she pops her sweet ass up on the edge of the tub and spreads her legs opens for clam inspection time. Nice and hairy, but tough to get into if you don t know where the hole is. She makes sure to dial in the size of her pink straight away so that s not a problem. It is looking like tight quarters in there, but I think she s got it handled. Yes indeed she does, shuckin from the front , and shuckin from the back, all while licking her lips and tickling her . Boy that bearded clam sure looks ready to be popped into someone s mouth. A little butter and lemon, Mmmm, melt in your mouth! Any volunteers? Wouldn t you like to have Ansie over for your next back yard Bar-B-Q? We sure would!

  • 00:11:02
  • May 04, 2012
  • 147


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