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not as innocent as she looked!

Remember what we said a couple of weeks ago about Nesty looking innocent and inexperienced in her newest pictorial and video? Well, she certainly had us fooled and the proof can be seen here in part 2 of her set! She’s rarin’ to go with her big purple Geisa balls which she quickly crams into her clam. Spreading her legs wide with the balls little string hanging out of her slit, she looks at us with a knowing expression and presents a pussy that is clearly ready to be filled by cocks that can fuck her brains out. Nesty shifts her position on the couch a few times, giving us many different angles on her self-penetration, with some vivid shots that show off her gorgeous ass; you can easily imagine crawling underneath her and tugging those balls out of her cunny with your teeth biting down on the string while your nose nestles in her rosebud! And it all ends memorably with Nesty upside down on the floor, displaying her snatch in ultra-closeups that make it look like a vaginal volcano ready to explode!

  • 00:24:19
  • May 06, 2012
  • 269


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