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smooth as silk

Tanja joins us again on Hairy Twatter to give us a nice glimpse into the Pubic hair packaging process as she shaves her whisker biscuit from top to bottom and reveals that succulent sugar shack hiding underneath all that beard! Your Hairy fetish fantasies will tingle in delight as you watch the jewel between her legs go from hair to bare, get neatly packaged, and sealed with a kiss!Once her work is done with the electric clipper, she breaks out the precision tools and lathers her slick mound with some shaving cream to make that snacker as smooth as silk. Her strokes are quick and precise, and soon that little mound of honeyed delight is ready for a good tongue lashing and a hot French kiss. Any takers?

  • 00:08:55
  • Jun 08, 2012
  • 120


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