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lord have mercy on us!

Introducing super tasty and delicious Marsha Lord, a very talented and tall, naturally redheaded Hungarian honey who commands attention in any room that she enters. Definitely not shy in front of the camera, this scarlet vixen tell us that she had already done nude photos and films prior to her casting with us. What looks like a conservative turtle neck, sweater, and jeans outfit soon come off to reveal lacy lingerie underneath, and sexy knee high socks when she peels off her boots. She then eagerly strips herself naked to show us her tits and cleanly shaved pink pussy. You can catch more of this red hot siren on Hot Legs and Feet, Only Blow Job, 1By-Day, Hands On Hardcore, and DDF Beauties.

  • 00:06:29
  • Jun 10, 2012
  • 142


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