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furry flower meets king dong!

Pretty Little Lia Rav thought her day was going to be just peaches and cream when she got up this morning and dolled herself up in white stockings, a sexy ruffled beige skirt, and pink top, but little did she know about her future encounter with Franco Roccaforte s monster King Dong Dick! Would she have stayed home in bed instead, had she known her bushy little pink flower was going to be parted like the red sea? Not a chance!From the moment Lia pulls her top up to reveal those muffin size, mouth watering tits, to the game of peek a boo she plays when she flashes her ass to us flipping up her skirt we get the feeling this girl can take some dick! Nice washboard abs prelude to tough conditioning, and that furry foxhole between her legs looks quite accommodating. Franco gets down between her thighs to nom nom nom her noni, and Lia s eyes roll far back into her head. But she eyeballs that night stick like she needs to be stuffed asap and pops right on cowgirls style with her eyes closed.

  • 00:25:11
  • Aug 03, 2012
  • 254


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