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defying her captor [part 1]

In the 1960 movie Spartacus, one of the Roman generals says of the beautiful servant girl played by Jean Simmons: “The more chains you put on her, the less she looks like a slave.” This phrase sprang to mind as we looked at Naomi chained up in an attic for this roleplay scenario, awaiting her captor, played by Totti. This tall (5 11"!) and regally beautiful Hungarian girl looks as if no man could tame her...but that’s what makes her PERFECT for this bizarre scenario as Totti puts her through many kinky paces! His perverted passions clearly inflamed by her smiling defiance, Totti doesn’t even dare show his own face, but covers it in a weird industrial mask! He also wears camouflage duds. Are we to suppose that Naomi is a captive of some paramilitary group or conquering army, like in a scene out of a lurid 1960s men’s magazine illustration? YOU decide--we supply you with plenty of eyeball fodder for fantasies as Totti squeezes his cheeky captive’s face and shaved pussy mound, then fondles her tits and rubs them with chains.Her ass is smudged with dirt from her captivity in this dusty attic; he is upset that she has not been able to stay clean, even though that is clearly impossible in these surroundings! He pries apart her cheeks to inspect her asshole too...its tight allure inflames his lust, but instead of stroking her rear, he spanks her butt to punish her for exciting him! Getting her over his lap, he plays with her pussy and cheeks and continues to spank. Ah, she doesn’t look so defiant anymore...or does she? Lifting up her legs with the chains, which shows how dirty the bottoms of her feet have become, he inspects her rosebud in detail...tugging it apart...with our cameras following his every move...but he still can’t completely wipe the look of self-possession off Naomi’s face. She’s going to have to receive a further lesson in discipline and be here to see what happens in Part 2!

  • 00:06:28
  • Nov 09, 2012
  • 217


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