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defying her captor [pt 3]

We’re back for the finale of this bizarre roleplay scenario of the conqueror and his captive, starring Naomi and Totti! Is there nothing that will faze this defiant girl? thinks cruel soldier Totti as he reflects that spanking...cocksucking...assfucking...and the dirtiness of the attic in which she is detained have not had any effect in breaking the spirit of Naomi, who has pretty much spit in the eyes of the conquerors who have overrun her country! Well, Totti has another tactic up his sleeve...and his superior officers will indeed approve! He pours sticky massage oil all over this girl’s lush and arrogant body...oil that could be used for healing, sensual massage in peacetime, but here will be used for more sinister and instructive purposes! The purposes of teaching a female to obey, fear, and respect her CONQUEROR! The oil slides down her titties, which he squeezes...she barely blinks an eye, despite being chained to the ceiling...he drenches the insolent young vixen with the oil, pouring it all over her face and hair and torso. Ah, that seems to be wiping some of the spunkiness out of this bitchy little missy! He pulls at her tits, tweaking the nipples fiercely...and then comes the master stroke, which will surely please the high command with its ingenuity when he invites the officers to come by and observe! He has carried this idea around with him since the first day he joined the army and marched off to conquest with his brothers-in-arms! Taking out a pillow, he rips it open and lets loose all the feathers onto Naomi’s nude, chained body! And in so doing, he gives her that most ancient of punishments--being feathered! The oil makes it all stick to her figure, ha-ha! But what--the little witch is laughing! How dare she! Totti keeps slapping on the feathers, finally holding the pillow above her head until they all flutter down in a perverted shower that will show this girl once and for all that she is the conquered, and she will show him some respect! She will, won’t she?? Won’t she??? YOU be the judge!!!

  • 00:03:51
  • Nov 23, 2012
  • 226


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