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double meows for double the fun!

It’s been awhile since we’ve seen Hungarian hottie Cipriana and boy are we happier than ever to have her back! But she’s not just back with anyone. She’s back with DDF veteran and fellow Hungarian brunette babe Abbie Cat, so you know this is going to be one unforgettable lesbian pussy licking of a good time! These girls go after each other’s bodies ravenously, licking nipples, pierced tonguings of pierced clits, deep fingerings, and shovings of what seems to be an endless supply of toys in each other’s juicy pink snatches. They finish things off with a double dong and take themselves together to double raging orgasms. We say DOUBLE MEOW!

  • 00:22:14
  • Dec 07, 2012
  • 213


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