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toe sucking to cum!

Today we bring you foot fetish lovers the hot leg casting set of Hungarian black-haired beauty Tracy Miller. She’s got shapely long legs for her 5’5” frame and cute size 6 ½ peds to go along with them. As she stands in front of us in sexy calf-length black boots, she tells us that she really likes stockings. Oh we can’t wait to see those stems in them! She says she only likes her legs a little bit, but we beg to differ! Getting naked, she poses up against the wall and does a catwalk towards the camera and with all eyes now focused on her feet, she sits down to give them a lick. Unfortunately, she’s not yet flexible enough to get her tongue to touch her toes, but she’ll get there. Keep your eyes out for her so you can find out!

  • 00:06:52
  • Dec 18, 2012
  • 155


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