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haughty, busty, and bizarre!

Shifting from holiday threesomes and sapphic twosomes to freaky solo action, we present Latex Lucy in her very personal take on a swimsuit scene. This girl never seems to pose without her signature masks, and here she wears a purple one that goes well with her purple flower pattern latex bikini. She looks haughty, busty and bizarre as she stands on the edge of a pool in her strappy black platform shoes, showing off her curvaceous figure and long legs. Taking off the shoes, she slides into the pool where she teases us with the bottoms of her feet, as well as her ass and huge tits. She shows us her pussy and then her butt as her bikini bottom comes down, and she spreads her cheeks wide. She never takes off her black latex gloves, though, which adds a decadent touch to the pool scene. Lucy looks quite good as she peels off her bikini, showing off a narrow waist and splendid hips. As she plays in the water, we also get some nice closeups of her size 5 feet. This is a unique model in a compelling scene!

  • 00:21:11
  • Dec 19, 2012
  • 271


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