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sultry leg teaser!

In our featured spotlight, Katia Dé Lys presents her dynamic Cuban body to us in a fetish perspective! With her size 8.5 feet outfitted in black ankle strap platforms, and her legs sheathed in sheer black stockings, she leans against a table as she teases us in her sultry style. Katia has a truly beautiful booty and it would be nice to worship ones way down those pink-pantied cheeks to her long stems! She takes off her shoes and gives them a good sniff, then shows us how she likes her heels licked. Laying back, she undoes her garters and peels down the left stocking slowly, tugging it with her toes as her tawny naked shin captures the gleam of the side light.Sitting up again on the table, Katia undoes her right garters while thrusting her leg out at us so we can study its curvy beauty. Then she slides down that stocking and pulls at it with her teeth. Continuing her striptease, she removes all her pink lingerie, ultimately uncovering that amazing derriere in all its naked splendor. On

  • 00:25:17
  • Jan 02, 2013
  • 198


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