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a tokyo treasure!

Fans have been asking for more since Marica Hase first appeared last December. Well, today we give you more of this Japanese beauty when she first came to DDF for her casting. Looking the perfect part of an Asian school girl in a cute T-shirt, plaid skirt, and boots, and she tells us that she’s already been in the business 4 years in Japan, and you know how kinky they get there! She strips down to a star-studded sexy lingerie, fitting of a Tokyo porn star. Sitting back on the couch, she looks teasingly at the camera as she licks her fingers and plays with her dark pink petals. Marica’s moans are of the soft cries of anime porn, and the sound of her mews will be enough to make you blow a load. Get more of your yellow fever remedy at Hands On Hardcore, House of Taboo, and 1By-Day.

  • 00:11:03
  • Feb 03, 2013
  • 308


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