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the rod in the daisies!

Nothing says “Happy Valentine’s Day” as efficiently as flowers. And there are very few ladies who don’t enjoy receiving a pretty bunch of decorative daisies from the humbly outstretched hand of an admirer. But there is something else many gals like to receive as well on this special day. Every man carries one in his pants, and it produces a creamy organic lotion! When a young lady sees it pointed in her direction, as Czech babe Vanessa Jordin does when Wein Lewis comes a-courtin’, well, the evening is on the right track for satisfying fun. Vanessa loves those daisies as much as his dick, and at first when she kneels before Wein’s wang, she surrounds his inches with the blossoms. But soon she puts aside the flowers to concentrate on the veiny tubesteak that fills her mouth while Wein’s fingers fiddle with her pussy. Their clothes quickly come off and we see Vanessa giving her valentine the royal cocksucker treatment, while showing off her butt and pussy to us at the same time. When Wein finally cums, it’s a huge load that doesn’t stop spraying out until Vanessa’s mouth, chin, and neck are dappled in the proof of his gooey affection! And judging by her bright happy eyes, she’s a delighted recipient of his liquid loving!

  • 00:19:09
  • Feb 10, 2013
  • 276


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