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caught up in passion!

There is nothing like the sensation of passion overwhelming you...of making you experience the urge to merge with another person, to feel absorbed not just in her company but in the very atmosphere and aura of her body! This is clearly what both Valerie and Cindy feel as they explore each other today, even as they present their long legs to us with those red-polished size 7.5 feet on backless strappy heels. You can see how much they get into each other as they tongue-kiss and toe-lick, hungrily lapping at each other’s crotches through their teddies, and then on the bare. But their most supreme pleasures are the removal of the shoes, the caressing of the heels and toes, and then the rubbing of the soles with a glass dildo that soons ends up in Cindy’s cunny. Cindy then returns the favor and fucks Valerie’s snatch with the toy too. Before you know it, a second glass toy comes into play, and you’ll love the shots of these gorgeous Hungarian feet as they firmly hold and guide the toys into their separate twats! And look for the alluring images of Cindy’s toe ring too, in the middle of the foot and leg fetish action.

  • 00:34:57
  • Apr 01, 2013
  • 188


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