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controlling our nuts!

The word “sultry” is what first comes to mind when you lay your orbs upon Anissa Kate, a newcomer from Spain, whose effortless ability to seize instant control of all vulnerable testicles within five hundred yards is the very definition of the power of glamour porn! “Hot babe” is almost too tame a term to apply to this beauty as she teases us first with her 34C cleavage in a satiny purple bra, before unveiling her mouthwatering breasts and sitting back to give us the kind of seductive stare that puts men into trances of worshipful stroking and squirting! Anissa seems to be waiting for us to show her how big a puddle we can make in our maybe we better show her! :)

  • 00:15:21
  • Apr 26, 2013
  • 346


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