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worth the wait!

We re getting down with some real teen softcore glamour porn today with sweet young Anita Berlusconi. The barely legal pornstar is just 18 with an amazingly tight teen body, cute little titties, and pretty shaved pussy. But you re going to have to brace yourself and be patient, because this Hungarian honey takes her time stripping out of her pink top, mint green booty shorts, and high heels, teasing in seductive poses atop her bed, only as a young tease knows how! But it s well worth the wait to see Anita masturbate in her naked glory, and spread open her pink petals for us all to see the wetness inside. And if you can t wait, you can click right through to the hot babe s pics to see the awesome close-up shots!

  • 00:24:14
  • May 19, 2013
  • 263


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