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drool for me, sweetheart

In today’s roleplay scene, Kandall waits at home for her guy Sabby to come home from work, but when he arrives, he’s got a surprise for her in his briefcase...handcuffs, and a weird bridle which he puts over her face and head and which keeps her mouth open for the plunging of his cock. Soon he’s got her kneeling before him to fuck her face, her tits hanging over the front of her green dress. Because the bridle holds her mouth open, the drool accumulates and pours down along her chin. He takes her mouth in various positions as the saliva keeps seeping out of her lips, and her eyes narrow in wonderment of the strange paths that a woman’s life can take. It looks like Sabby cums in her mouth, but it’s almost hard to tell with all the drool that keeps pouring from her stretched open lips. See all this extreme sex in a fetish XXX video.

  • 00:16:35
  • Jun 07, 2013
  • 124


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