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bad books for bad girls

A girl has to be careful with the kind of literature she absorbs into her noggin...after all, if she reads stuff that gives her wild sexual ideas, she might become a nude European model and pornstar!! ;) Maybe that’s what happened with Hungarian hot babe Cayenne Klein, who in our lead-off scene for this week plays an impressionable teen complete with goofy patterned panties, sitting alone in her family’s living room reading a suspiciously hardcover book that looks as if it came from the library of a perverted older man in her neighborhood! “Here, read this novel, Cayenne, it’ll expand your view of the world!” he probably said when he handed her a volume that inspires her to pull aside her cartoon character panties so that she can insert the pink vibrator she’s been sucking as she turns the pages of the salacious tome. Watch Cayenne satisfy herself in her best naughty teen style in nude pics and a Full HD erotic video!

  • 00:18:11
  • Jul 28, 2013
  • 298


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