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more of the perfect girl

When Amanda Black debuted on Hot Legs And Feet 2 years ago, one fan exclaimed "perfect girl perfect scene" and another wanted more, so today we bring the fresh faced Hungarian college student s leg fetish casting photos out of the archives to give you just that. Standing at 5 4", the blue-eyed blonde Amanda is the on the petite side, but her legs belie her height, looking long and slim in and out of her jeans. She poses seductively upon a chair, opening up her shaved pink petals, and gets into doggy so we can ooh and aah at her behind. Wait until you see her flexibility as she squats on tiptoe upon her pretty pedicured peds. You will want even more of this perfect girl for sure!

  • 00:03:55
  • Oct 01, 2013
  • 140


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