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batty for this babe

Super-heroines have sexual needs, too, as Cathy Heaven from Hungary so vividly demonstrates to us today when she shows up in her Bat Babe outfit. After all, fighting crime is an intensive occupation, and a girl has to kick back a little with her favorite battery-powered prick in order to quell the ache that builds up in her loins when she doesn’t get a chance to cuddle with her favorite cocks. Fact is, a costumed crimefighter doesn’t have all that much time to socialize to find the appropriate and congenial boyfriends who won’t give her a hard time about risking her life swinging from building to building in the pursuit of justice; so as you’ll see in her Full HD erotic video, our Bat Babe pulls aside her official-looking top and panties in the privacy of her Bat Castle so she can personally soothe the yearning in her big nipples and the hunger in her shaved pussy with her throbbing Bat Bone. We have a feeling you’ll go batty for this babe, and maybe even bonkers for her boots!!

  • 00:22:27
  • Nov 17, 2013
  • 221


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