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foxy flapper

It’s back to the Roaring Twenties in today’s scene as Anissa Kate plays a Jazz Age wild girl (known as a “flapper” back then) who’s also the head of a gang of bootleggers! When sneaky ordinary citizen Totti stumbles on the stash that she and her gangster henchman Mugur keep hidden in a barn, Totti quickly gets stopped and brought to heel by Anissa’s baseball bat-wielding bodyguard. In the real history of 1920s thuggery, Totti would have lost at least a few teeth for his spying; but in the happier world of porn history, Totti is ordered to apologize to Anissa by licking her pussy, getting his cock sucked, and generally having the time of his life in a horny threesome complete with double penetration as Anissa progresses from sucking balls to taking Mugur in her pussy and Totti in her tush simultaneously. Mademoiselle Anissa makes a foxy frenzied flapper indeed and pulls big loads out of her lovers in this hardcore XXX video!

  • 00:19:15
  • Nov 22, 2013
  • 463


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