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princess of the posterior

That curvy concoction from Great Britain, blue-eyed Lucia Love, pays us a visit today and she indeed looks like a luscious handful in her blue polka dot bra and matching panties. Lucia’s intent on seducing us with her booty today, and it’s not difficult because hers is ever so lickable, fuckable, and worship-able!! She peels down her panties and sticks her seat in our faces, pulling apart the cheeks in this heaping helping of glamour porn. Then she gets in the bathtub and sprays her crack with the shower attachment, until water courses down the delectable groove between her glutes, her dark asshole and pussy flower shimmering unforgettably into a treasured memory file in our permanent wank banks. Watch for the cool shots when she sits on the edge of the tub, or presses her butt against the glass under the water. Yessir, you’ll stroke and dream of a poke with this princess of the posterior! She’s our Model of the Day.

  • 00:22:58
  • Nov 27, 2013
  • 209


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