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she can t hold back

In today’s bizarre roleplay scenario, Lucy Heart is a prisoner...we leave it to your own imagination to guess what put her in this situation. There is a harsh spotlight on this blonde beauty as she sits immobilized in a wood-paneled room that has a dirt floor. Lucy is nude and bound with straps in the corner, sitting on a seat that elevates her bare feet several inches from the floor. Her mascara has long ago poured down her face in streaks of distress. And now it’s time for her to perform a function that is usually done in private in a small room with special plumbing. Yes, she has to take a pee and her masters are clearly watching for it now...she can’t hold back, and soon the pissing flows, staining the ground below her, in this Full HD BDSM video.

  • 00:04:38
  • Jan 06, 2014
  • 212


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