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studies in erotica

When Russian barely legal pornstars try to work on their studies, it s not easy to keep their head focused and not daydream about erotica, let alone have hot teen sex, especially when you put a a hot blonde babe and stud with a huge cock together. Case in point today with Carte and Piter who make an attempt to study, but it doesn t take long before Piter gets distracted, offers Carte a massage, and soon has her naked licking his balls and sucking his engorged dick on her knees. Then away go the books as they use the desk to fuck in doggy and the chair for Carte to sit her trimmed tight pussy atop Piter s slick shaft. The kind of study that you ll see in this teen XXX video is much more exciting!

  • 00:20:51
  • Feb 26, 2014
  • 191


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