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feel the intensity

Grumpy and autocratic doctors are a tradition in drama, especially on television, but of course we never see on tv how their personalities translate into their sex lives. So that’s why today’s fetish XXX video of Full HD BDSM is unique, because it shows us a bossy physician played by Franco Roccaforte taking out his savage quirks on his nurse, portrayed by Leila Moon. Get ready for some extreme sex as Dr. Roccaforte gives Nurse Leila a spanking not just on her butt but also on her boobs, tugs on her face with a metal medical doohickey, squeezes and pulls on her shaved pussy and tits, binds her wrists and ankles to the examining table, and then tweaks her nose to keep her mouth open continually so he can insert a spreader to keep her lips wide for penile penetration and plowing. And he fucks her veeg again, too. Leila ends up drooling his cum all over her tits at the climax of one of the most intense sets we’ve ever put on House of Taboo.

  • 00:28:12
  • Mar 17, 2014
  • 320


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