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the fate that awaits

Mira Cuckold is your slave today, her wrists and ankles chained firmly in place so that she may consider in solitude the vast variety of her offenses which have landed her in this position. Secured to the wall and floor, wearing only a bust-bearing corset and strappy red heels, she has much time to ponder her sins. Of course, since she will be here for some hours, it may be necessary for her to relieve herself of all the fluids you cleverly had her imbibe before her period of bondage; but you are showing her a consideration she did not show you as a rebellious slave, and you have placed underneath her naked crotch a bidet wherein she can relieve herself of the pee-pee that will naturally build up. Watch her leak and spray in front of you, losing control of her shaved pussy with no dignity. Thus shall this defiant female be shown, in this fetish XXX video full of pissing and Full HD BDSM, the humiliating fate that awaits those who do not obey!

  • 00:03:48
  • Mar 21, 2014
  • 239


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