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beauty with banana

It definitely feels like spring is in the air when we see Billie Star in her casual frock and ankle strap wedgies, relaxing in a living room and showing off her bottom as she lifts the hem to reveal her underpants wedged between her plump round cheeks. All it takes is a little tug and her luscious pie is revealed too, and when the Czech doll starts pulling aside her clothes we get to enjoy her 36B-22-34 body even more in this hot serving of glamour porn. Billie stuffs herself with her coral-polished fingertips, then after taking off the dress completely and only standing around in her skimpy scanty, she reaches for a banana which she peels and then prods into her flowery box. Enjoy this brazen beauty in her Full HD erotic video and nude pics as she fills herself with the fruit and then sticks her butt in the air for our further fantasizing!

  • 00:17:00
  • Mar 30, 2014
  • 279


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