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her appeal for his libido

Baby Blonde aka Barra Brass is trying to do her work well, but she’s not quite up to speed yet in the machine shop. She’s entry level, learning as she goes. However, her impatient supervisor, Franco Roccaforte, is disappointed in her progress, though willing to cut her some slack because she has definite appeal for his libido. Getting a glimpse of her goodies underneath her red overalls gets things going for Franco, whose massive stalk is soon in Barra’s hands and being lapped by her long tongue. Her duds tumble to her ankles as she gets more comfy just in her lingerie, applying all her cock sucking know-how to his big dick...showing him there are other important things in life besides production quotas...things like balls licking! Soon these two are naked and going for the gusto with Barra’s lips basically attached to Franco’s inches throughout these sexy blowjob pics, winding up with a facial cumshot than drips down to irrigate her chest!

  • 00:18:55
  • Apr 15, 2014
  • 212


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