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take your tool tonic

Doctors are not supposed to put their sexual needs before their primary mission, healing the sick, but Dr. Thomas Stone easily edges aside his med school pledge of the timeless physician’s Hippocratic moral code after he gives Leila Moon a little conventional therapy for her sore throat. Sure, analgesic spray makes her feel somewhat better, but according to this doc’s logic, the insertion of his veiny tool into her lips and down that ailing gullet is guaranteed to speed her recovery in a wholly more pleasurable way. Doc Stone firmly feels deepthroat and balls licking are the way to go. With a hardy dose of cleavage fucking too, since the opportunity presents itself with this particular patient! View their sexy blowjob pics to see what we mean. Some bluenoses would sternly say Dr. Tommy’s being a hypocrite in the ethical department--a Hippocratic hypocrite, to turn a phrase--but pish-posh on that rubbish as our hero healer squirts Leila a spoonful of tool tonic to make her better pronto!

  • 00:11:42
  • Jun 19, 2014
  • 171


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