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destination load

Cheryl S. has so much to show off today! She wants to exhibit her curvy Czech body but she also wants you to take note of her pretty oxford-style two-tone court shoes, so glam with their white high heels and black bows! And yep, this hot babe knows some guys would like to squirt on her shoes as much as on her bottom! Speaking of that bottom, it certainly is spectacular. Who’d want to give it a nice hot spank? Or use it as target practice for a creamy ribbon of wank? But hey her pink slot is darn sweet too when she spreads it, and look how nicely a toy goes in there in her Full HD video and nude pics. And then she stuffs that plastic unit into her tushy as well! Oh, there’s a lot to admire in Cheryl S. Where will YOUR first load go?

  • 00:18:32
  • Jul 13, 2014
  • 195


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