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a hole in the hose

When Sophie Lynx and Nia Black aka Szelly decide to have themselves a personal pantyhose party, they go all-out with sensuous tights that excite their hands and tongues and the squirmy little nooks between their thighs. When Nia squeezes Sophie’s moons through her nylon pantyhose, she feels the warmth of the girl’s bottom radiating through the fabric. It inflames her to want to tear at the white tights to get into the moisture and heat...and rip and shred Sophie’s crotch panel she soon does! For her part, Sophie loves Nia’s patterned black tights, but she too pulls them down because she wants to get at what’s inside. See it all in this pantyhose porn epic! It’s as if the hosiery is a kind of armor to keep their heat inside, heat that would disrupt the atmosphere and maybe even hasten global warming!! ;) Well, that’s exaggerating but you’ll know what we mean when you see these sizzling Hungarian honeys rubbing their toes and soles against their clams after they move aside the hose to get at the glorious goods contained within!

  • 00:29:31
  • Jul 21, 2014
  • 226


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