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carnival style cutie

Chessie Kay from Great Britain makes her debut on 1By-Day and this slender, curvy, and generously breasted cutie looks ready for a fun night at a carnival in her seductive, brightly striped two-piece outfit! We can just see her driving a guy wild in that teasing ensemble even as she eats cotton candy, spurs him to shoot an air rifle at a target to win her a teddy bear, and then pulls her stud into the Tunnel of Love. Isn’t it amazing, the fantasies that the right clothes on a woman can set off? Meanwhile, back here in reality in her actual Full HD erotic video and pics, Chessie strips out of these togs, revealing an amazingly festive bra too, which perks her paps into quite a cleavage show. She keeps peeling until we see her bare bells and a clam that’s ready to be filled with a bright long toy. Watch her part her petals and get herself off in this nice slice of sensual glamour porn!

  • 00:22:21
  • Aug 24, 2014
  • 283


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