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crazy to explode

“Oh, I know you,” new face Wendy Moon seems to be saying to us on today, looking deep into our throbbing souls with her blue Czech eyes. “I know you want to watch me take off this dress, see me flirt with my lingerie, show my legs, give you peeks of my gorgeous size 6.5 high heels, and just make you feel a little crazy to explode!” Like many really attractive girls, Wendy understands she has this power over so many of us, and knows us at a glance, knows when we’re throbbing at the polka dot crotch of her undies, or at her bare perky 32A knobs, or at the deep tunnel in her veeg as she slides her French manicured fingers within. She knows her power, and she loves it, and she invites us inside. See the dark space of her box as she digs in her fingers? It can accommodate a lot of our dreams!! Watch this new star in her Full HD video and let your mind soar--as you drain your sac till it’s sore!

  • 00:31:31
  • Aug 29, 2014
  • 152


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