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preventive pantyhose

Here’s the perfect checkup for leg, foot and pantyhose fans! Dominica Phoenix from Kyrgyzstan is our nurse today but instead of taking our blood pressure, she’s going to give us some visual treats that guarantee we stay tip-top! You might call it “preventive pantyhose therapy.” She splays her long legs in her sheer black pantyhose, letting us feast on the sight of her crotch panel as well as on her size 6 peds in her red peep toe heels. She sucks on her heels and then she stands up to showcase her derriere in the stretchy hosiery, so we can marvel at her cheeks snug in the fabric. Nurse Dominica takes out a pink remote control vibe, licks it, and then tears her tights so that she can cram her core with the toy. At the same time she gives us lots of sole views, even as she lifts up her feet while playing with the vibe. Crouching on the chair, she lets us study her gorgeous feet and feel the health flow through our veins and shoot out of our stalks! And a special thank you, Nurse Dominica, for those lovely pinup-style shots at the end that spotlight the shapeliness of your stems!

  • 00:16:10
  • Nov 12, 2014
  • 285


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