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lustin for the lass

Today Kiara Lord helps us celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, dressed up in green even though she’s blonde and Hungarian. But you know what they say, on St. Patrick’s Day we’re all Irish in spirit and in her outfit and hat, and with that smile, Kiara serves as lovely a colleen as anybody could wish for! Of course that outfit doesn’t stay on very long as soon as she reveals her “Kiss Me I’m Irish” ruffled panties which happily for our eyes and cocks descend pretty quickly to her ankles and off her legs completely, but not before we get a nice glimpse of the material wedged into her tight crack! Once Kiara opens her thighs and lets us see the pink wonder of her shaved box, ready for her fingers and our horny observation, we’re reaching for our johnsons (and maybe our Jamesons too!) as this lassie reveals her chassis to the fullest in her festive new Full HD glamour porn video and nude pics! Faith and Begorrah, you’re sure to be lustin’ for this lass, lads!

  • 00:18:01
  • Mar 16, 2015
  • 255


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